Thursday, December 7, 2006

Guiding Our Steps

Quiet time. If you are like me you know the importance of being disciplined and spending time quiet before the Lord. If you are like me you aren’t disciplined enough to habitually make the time in a hectic day to do it. If you are like me the times you do it the Holy Spirit really speaks to you. Today was one of those days. I read I Samuel 7, 8 and 9. In chapter 9 verses 6, 15 & 16 the Holy Spirit revealed to me a truth I’ve always known but He really brought it home in a practical way. God orchestrates the lives of people for His purposes – not ours. In these verses I saw God’s hand bring several different things together all for His purpose. Let’s review.

1. Lost donkey
2. Saul’s father sends him and a servant to search for the donkey.
3. The direction Saul travels in search of the lost donkey ultimately leads to Samuel.
4. The people of a town request Samuel to come to their town and make a sacrifice.
5. Saul’s servant remembers that Samuel has a gift of prophecy and suggests that they can go and ask him where the donkey could be located.
6. God already revealed to Samuel that Saul was coming to see him.
7. Saul and Samuel meet.

Surely God ordains our every step! There is no where I go that God hasn’t ordained even if I believe that I’ve chosen my own direction. The truth is He is in control of my final destination…not me…I’m happy to be along for the journey!

If you are like me this is an exhilarating truth…I’m not in control. I’ve tried to be all my life. No more. Wow…freeing isn’t it?

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