Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Chicken or the egg?

It only took me 40 years to reach my conclusion to an age old question…What came first, the chicken or the egg? I do a lot of thinking in the shower. There’s something about closing myself off from all the distractions around me while hot water runs over my ever growing body that causes me to think. It was in the shower that the question entered my mind and the answer finally came. The answer has been right under my nose for thirty years but I just now put 2+2 together.

The chicken came first! I know, I know all of you theological types are like, duh, but for the non-theological minded you’ll find the answer in the Bible. You know, that dusty old book that usually only gets opened on Sunday mornings…

Genesis 1:21 – “So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living
and moving thing with which water teems, according to their kinds, and every
winged bird according to its kind
. And God saw that it was good.”

Well with that question settled I can move on to the next age old chicken riddle…why did the chicken cross the road? I know what you are thinking…too much time on his hands and too little to think about…but sometimes I just need to be distracted!

The cool thing is that the Bible can be a source to many other more serious questions of today. I’d like to challenge you to begin discovering some answers for yourself. Pick up your Bible and read it once a day…even just a verse a day if that’s all you have time for. See for yourself that the Bible is relevant to solve whatever problem you are facing right now!

1 comment:

Johnny and Maria Coker said...

OK Chris, I've checked this blog at least once a week and haven't seen any new postings! Get with it!!!! Seriously, keep us posted on how you all are doing. Love hearing from you! We will be in Decatur from Feb 15th to March 5th. Johnny is going to FBC's Men's Retreat the evening of the 16th thru lunch on the 17th. You ought to come! Love to Dana!
