Wednesday, September 26, 2007


It's been a while. Sorry about that.

I just finished reading Safely Home by Randy Alcorn. The book caused me to really reflect on what I learned while on a mission trip to Ghana, West Africa. My focus should be an eternal one and not a temporal one. Eternity is real. It's as real as the truth of Jesus Christ. If Eternity is real (and it is) we should be focused on living in this temporal world in a way that makes us realize that life isn't about yesterday, today or tomorrow in the worlds view which says, save money for the future, spend money now to buy what you want so you'll be happy, buy stuff...lots of stuff, do what ever you want to...nobody is watching and nobody cares. Just do what makes you happy. This is the lie of the world, it is the lie of Satan. To be focused on eternity we should live in this temporal world in a way that EVERYTHING we do brings glory to the one who has called us to salvation. Use my time, talents and resources (financial) to reach the lost, help the poor, build the church (the body of Christ, not pretty buildings). I'm going to spend more time focusing on my eternal destiny and not my temporal dwelling. As my pastor recently encouraged your eyes, look around and repeat after me..."it's all going to burn".

1 comment:

Kevin said...

Focus on a post!