Sunday, April 29, 2007


A couple of weeks ago America experienced an “unimaginable” tragedy. One single person shot and murdered 32 innocent people. America was abhorred. You couldn’t escape the hours and hours of news coverage of this terrible occurrence on the campus of Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia.

But this isn’t the tragedy I want you to know about. The tragedy in my humble opinion is that America reacted this way when only 32 people were killed. It isn’t my intent to belittle the loss of 32 people. It saddens me to be sure but relatively speaking it was a small number compared with the rest of the world. All over the world in any given day hundreds if not thousands of people die in the most brutal and senseless ways. Uganda, Sudan, Iraq and Darfur are the places we “know” that it exists. In these places men, women and children (not just teens and young adults but small children) are slaughtered in the most horrific of ways, sometimes tortured. Where is America’s day long media attention to these atrocities?

The tragedy is that our news media devoted itself to covering “the story” for 32 people while barely giving a five second or less blip on the screen about the number of lives being lost in the same senseless way all around the world. The tragedy is that this appears to say to the world “we’re better than everyone else”. It appears that we deserve more attention when something of this magnitude happens to us. Check out the following videos but be warned...some of it is graphic and you will be touched!


trecker. said...

good word. 20 years of war without much help from the US?

Kevin said...


Chris' Chronicles said...

Worse. 20 years of war without much help from Christians. Have we pressured our congressmen and I don't mean, oh yea I wrote him a letter one time or I signed a petition. I means have we put pressure on them? Have we prayed fervently enough? Do the people who know us know that it matters to us?