I've been thinking a lot about what being a Christian really means. Is it showing up at a church every Sunday? Is it carrying a Bible every where you go, or maybe leaving your Bible in your car for people to see? Is it saying a prayer and being dunked in some water? Is it being able to remember all the book names of the Bible and John 3:16? Is it wearing nice clothes and having a nice hair cut, you know...the "Christian look"? Is it having a bookshelf full of various Bible translations, commentaries, concordances and other books written by Christians? Is it attending a Bible college and getting a degree? Is it about just doing what you see other Christians do because that makes you look more Christian? Is it being able to say a prayer out loud with lots of "lords" and "fathers" and "amens"? What is it?
O.k. - BIG DISCLAIMER here. This is my opinion based on the only source of truth that is trustworthy...the Bible.
A Christian is a person who has had a personal experience with Jesus Christ. A Christian is a person who has felt the conviction of the Holy Spirit in their heart, has asked Jesus Christ to forgive them of the things the Spirt has convicted them of, a.k.a SIN, and has a true desire to repent of those sins, that is to "reject them", "turn away from them", "change direction" in order to become more like Jesus. That's the goal - to be like Jesus. That's what I believe...it isn't just the initial step that makes you a Christian but it is also the process of having a desire to be more like Jesus, the perfect and sinless savior. This process has a big theological name called sanctification.
So how then are we to be like Jesus. Remember Michael Jordan? Yea, I'm old but Michael Jordan was a superstar NBA player and one of his sponsors, Gatorade, had a marketing campaign "Be like Mike" and it was hugely successful. All you had to do to be an NBA superstar like Michael Jordan was to buy their product. Well we know that just drinking some gatorade isn't going to make you an NBA superstar and being like Jesus is similar...you don't just say a prayer and look around to see what other "Christians" are doing to be like them. You have to read your Bible, pray for help and do your best with the help of the Holy Spirit to follow what Scripture teaches about being like Jesus.
Being like Jesus ain't for sissy's. I'm not talking about the Jesus most Americans think of...I'm talking about Jesus of the Bible. The Jesus that was homeless (Matthew 8:20), the Jesus that shamed the religious and political leaders of His day, the Jesus that said quit being concerned with how you look on the outside to people but rather be concerned about what your inside (your heart) looks like (Matthew 15:1-20), the Jesus that spoke truth and didn't care about being politically correct or hurting someones feelings (read your Bible), the Jesus that taught us to do things that are contrary to what our culture teaches us such as "be kind to your enemies" (Matthew 5:38-48), "give to/help the poor" but don't ask to be thanked or to do it for popularity or the praise of this world (Matthew 6:1-4); the Jesus that associated with the outcasts of society - the lame, the poor, the sick, those with leprosy, sinners, prostitutes, the blind, the oppressed (read your Bible) and at the end all he gets is false accusations, a mockery of a trial, spit on, severely beaten with whips and fists and then finally crucified - the most tormenting way of death the Romans could devise in that day. While being crucified he was ridiculed, mocked, humiliated and laughed at. See what I mean...it ain't for sissy's.
When you whole heartily reach a point in your life when you recognize what Jesus did for "YOU" there is nothing else you can do but ask for forgiveness and mercy and live for Him from that point on. This culture we live in and that we allow to impact our thinking and our life is not a good thing. In Romans 12:1-2 Paul tells us that when you consider what Jesus did for us we should offer ourselves as living sacrifices and no longer conform to the pattern of this world but to be transformed - that is to be like Jesus.
I can go on and on about this and there are multiple facets but rather than waste your time reading about this here go read your Bible and really think about what it is to be a Christian.
Check out the following video before you go.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Mission Planning
Missions. People so often think of foreign countries when they think of missions. You know, the crazed family who leaves everything to go into the jungles of Africa, South America and Asia to lead the lost to Christ. But missions is so much more than just the foreign lands, it is also about your next door neighbor, your community, the orphans & widows, the homeless, the nursing home bound seasoned citizens, your own family and most importantly you. Missions is about being the hands and feet of Jesus Christ to ALL who need Him. Missions is about humbling yourself and ridding yourself of your selfishness, me-centered life. Missions is about being on a mission...a mission of servanthood to the Glory of God. It can be the smallest thing, giving up a Saturday morning to go play with some kids who live in an apartment complex and don't know Jesus Christ or it can be giving your life to the Lord's call of going to live in a foreign land to be an example of Christ's love.
All that to say, that I covet your prayers. I am beginning the process of planning a short term mission trip to Ghana, West Africa sometime between May and July 2008. I've never planned a trip like this before and have a lot to learn. Please pray that I will have time to plan and study, that the communications with my partners in Ghana happen as needed (sometimes internet disruptions can occur), pray for the leading of the Holy Spirit in peoples lives to lead them to go on the short term trip and pray most importantly that all of the planning and getting ready for the journey will be God honoring in every way.
More to come.......
All that to say, that I covet your prayers. I am beginning the process of planning a short term mission trip to Ghana, West Africa sometime between May and July 2008. I've never planned a trip like this before and have a lot to learn. Please pray that I will have time to plan and study, that the communications with my partners in Ghana happen as needed (sometimes internet disruptions can occur), pray for the leading of the Holy Spirit in peoples lives to lead them to go on the short term trip and pray most importantly that all of the planning and getting ready for the journey will be God honoring in every way.
More to come.......
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